Thursday, June 12, 2014

Happy plants, apple trees in bloom, and goosie update.............

This time it's gonna be a quick's how the "Kweik" Lettuce from the last post is lookin'- yup, it tastes as good as it looks.

Kweik Lettuce
 Another thing we eat lots of in season is kale, such as this Red Russian Kale below. When it starts hitting the market table, we'll post a recipe on how we make "kale spaghetti", which is one dish around here that is never a "left-over", to say the least. Even the little munchers eat it happily. (Which, I guess, is not a surprise when my darlin' is the cook. A great cook and baker is she, always turning out delicacies from the farm kitchen.) :)

Red Russian Kale
 Meanwhile, inside the tunnel, the tomatos, zucchini, and cukes are happy as larks, growing away as though it's high summer. I never get such stocky, happy looking tomato plants outside.

Tomatos on the way.
 And we've been enjoying zucchini- we were able to pick the first about 6-7 inch zuke and first 3 inch pickler cuke on June 1st of this year.

Partenon Zucchini
 I couldn't resist a shot of one of the numerous apple trees on the old homestead here- we love apples, making cider, apple cider vinegar (home-made), applesauce, apple pie, apple juice, and dehydrated apples for snacks. This past winter we did a trial of putting some apples in crates, digging some pits in the ground, covering them with leaves and a covering of dirt, thereby putting the apples to rest for the winter. They kept quite well until February sometime, certainly well enough for baking up into wonderful pies.

Now for a goosie update......... the one (I think) male goose we had before getting the goslings, has always been OK- never really friendly, but not really mean either. Now, however, after the baby geese are old enough to be out with the other poultry and around him, he has become absolutely ferocious. Or at least as ferocious as a Tufted Roman goose can be. He even bites me when he gets a good opportunity, if I'm handling the goslings. And the little tikes run in terror if he casts a baleful glance in their direction. Maybe he senses his new-found male responsibility to protect the smaller and more vulnerable, as the master of the flock. In the picture below, he can be seen hissing..........

Goosie, Terror of the Farm :)

Goslings grazing, Goosie threatening

Doing what geese love doing

But,  in reality, he's doing what he's supposed to do, so he is safe from the oven. Hopefully in the future he will become the father of many geese, some of whom will not be safe from the oven, and doubtless will make some mighty fine eatin' :)

In closing for this time, here's what we get to see out the living room window.........

Not too much color yet, but a promise of things to come.

Gotta roll, y'all take care now!